Thursday, May 8, 2008

Update from Michael and Steve - 5/7/08 9:46 p.m.

Melissa Update Wednesday 05-07-08 8:55 p.m.
48th consecutive day in PICU at CHOC, Orange, California
71 cumulative days in ICU

Dear Friends,

Melissa finally slept this afternoon at 4 p.m. with medication. She had not slept for 24 hours, and she needs this rest.

This morning at 4:00 a.m. her fever returned. By 5:00 a.m., the fever had reached 40.3° C (104.5°F) and her heart rate was between 150 and 173. The doctors tried many medications but could not get the fever down, even with ice packs on her body. The neurosurgeon came at 7:00 a.m. and ordered a CT Scan. CT Scan showed an accumulation of fluid in her brain. The doctors will once again perform brain surgery tomorrow (Thursday, 5/8) beginning at about 6:30 a.m. The neurosurgeon will place a permanent shunt inside her body which will allow brain fluid to drain from her brain to her stomach directly. Please pray that the surgery will go smoothly and for an improvement of her fever and weak condition.

Blood lab results now show she has bacteria infection in her trachea area. She is being treated with an antibiotic called Meropenem.

Gastro-tube surgery has been postponed due to her current condition.

Her face seems less swollen than it has been.

I am so heartfelt that over million believers continue to pray for Melissa faithfully. This counts every one of you. Through Melissa, God draws us together as a body of Christ: we are one body, one God, one Lord, one Spirit, one faith. Believe the power of God will renew, restore, rebuilt, redo everything possible in Him for Melissa, and through her we may join together to experience what a powerful God we have.

God bless Melissa and all of us.


Additional note from Steve:

1. Since Marlene has gone back to work, please pray for her focus. Also, pray that God will protect her physically. Praise God that her co-workers have been very understanding and supportive.

2. Michael has taken on much more active role since Marlene has returned to work. Pray that God will continue to grant him strength.

3. Continue to pray for Maurice, Melodie and Mildred as they are growing up so quickly during this time.

God bless Melissa and all of us.


1 comment:

Dr.GandMe said...

We don't know if this is the right place to put a Birthday Card or not...but we both are praying for her and believe in That the Lord can heal her .... Is.53:5 Matt.18:18-19....We Pray a Happy Birthday to her and that God Heals her....GOd Bless Gary and Rebecca