Saturday, November 29, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Post by Mr. B - 11-23-2008

Praise God! Melissa, you are such a testimony of a godly young lady! Praise that you could be with us for Thanksgiving to Him for all He has done...and for You, and Your Life! I have been praying for you, but we have not yet met.

Janice Munemitsu

Post By Mr. B - 11-23-2008

Melodie Yu, Paul "Mr. B" Bogenrief, Hannah Feldman, Maurice Yu, Marlene Yu, Hannah VanSant-Ouellette and Erin Tsai celebrate Melissa's return to Mariners Church, Sunday, November 23, 2008!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Post by Mark and Jeannine Powers


I just wanted you to know that Jeannine and I have read every email and have kept Melissa in our prayers since the beginning of this ordeal. I have also enlisted the prayers of the Ambassador to the US from Zambia to pray and have passed on your emails to her. She and her family have been praying as well.

I know that through this ordeal God is working .... I just wanted you to know how much your daughter has impacted my life spiritually.

Our love and prayers,

Mark and Jeannine Powers

Update from Steve, Saturday, November 15, 2008

Update from Steve - Saturday, 11/15/2008

Hi Family & Friends,

Just got off the phone with Marlene and she provides the following updates:

1. Melissa was discharged this afternoon from CHOC after a few days stay following her two surgeries. The bone for her skull was successfully placed back. However, she is still experiencing quite a bit of pain. The level of medication is being reduced but pray for her endurance and pain tolerance. The MIC-KEY* tube installation was completed but since her appetite is good, most of her food intake is now by mouth. However since Melissa doesn't like taking medicine, the tube can be used for that. Praise God.

2. At 4:00 p.m. this afternoon, Melissa was able to drink juice through a straw for the first time. This is encouraging.

3. Melissa complained her right leg was experiencing a little pain. Normally this would not sound good, but the fact that she realizes there is pain implies the brain is transmitting communication which was missing before. To clarify, there was sensation in the right leg before, but now the brain is transmitting signals.

4. The staff at CHOC calls Melissa the “miracle baby” based on she has been able to get through so far. Let's continue to thank God for His provision and protection over Melissa and the entire YU family.

Keep praying for Melissa's road to recovery. Next immediate goal is to be able to enjoy a 20 juicy piece of steak. When ready, I will provide the steak (for Melissa only!!). Melissa, please make it soon.



Thursday, November 13, 2008

Update from Michael - Wednesday, November 13, 2008

Dear Friends,

Melissa’s two surgeries yesterday went well. The first surgery, performed by neurosurgeon Dr. Loudon, to replace her left skull began about 8:50 a.m. and ended about 10:40 a.m. The MIC-KEY* G-tube installation was completed by 11:05 a.m. by her G.I. doctor, Dr. Katz. Both doctors reported that their surgeries went very well.

At about 11:30 a.m., we were allowed to visit Melissa in the recovery room. She was alert, but in a lot of pain, so they administered a couple of doses of morphine to ease the pain. At about 1:30, she was transferred to the ICU ward, room 620 for a 2-3 day post-op. recovery.

in Him,

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Update from Michael - November 12, 2008

Dear friends,

Melissa is going to have her 16th and 17th surgeries today beginning at 8:30 a.m. California time (Thursday, November 13, 00:30 a.m. Taipei, Hong Kong, Beijing, Asia area time).

During the first surgery, the surgeons will re-attach her left skull which was removed after her aneurism on March 21 to allow her brain to swell without being damaged. At this time, her surgeon feels comfortable that it is safe to perform this surgery, and we are excited to have it put back for Melissa, too. This is not only "safer" for her, but now she can also continue to grow her long hair to where it was before all of this happened.

The second surgery is to replace the old-type G-tube for a MIC-KEY* Button. The current G-tube is long and easily gets caught during many activities. Replacing this tube with a detachable tube and button will be a great improvement and much less of an inconvenience. The great news is that Melissa might not need this new tube very long. She is now eating better, has a greater appetite, enjoys a variety of food, and chews much better. She is working very hard to reach her goal of enjoying her favorite dish, steak.

Following these surgeries, Melissa will remain at CHOC for 2-3 days for routine observation. Please pray for the surgery to go smoothly and successfully.

Over all Melissa has made great improvements:

* she stopped vomiting 2 weeks ago;
* her appetite has increased and she is able to take more and more food by mouth, allowing us to cut her G-tube feeding by half;
* she can sit on the wheelchair up to 4 hours now and even roll herself in the chair;
* her speech has improved and she can sing songs from a CD given to her by her friend, Brendan.

Melissa still has a long journey to be able to retain words and recover her language usage. Many times, we have seen her suddenly become sad after visitors leave. With tears in her eyes, she looks at us and just silently shakes her head. She wants so much to be able to express herself, but she just can’t.

During these tough times we lead her in prayer … it’s really the only thing we can do for her. We believe that God can repair and heal the damaged area, and we pray for his mercies on her.

In Him,