Friday, May 2, 2008

Melissa Update as of Thursday Evening (5/1/2008)

Hi Friends,

Some updates from Marlene tonight.

1. Melissa is waking up but still appears to be very tired.

2. Since she has been awake, she has been biting her tongue, which has resulted in significant bleeding. They will be putting in a mouth guard to protect her tongue from biting.

3. Fever is still slightly elevated at 38° C (100.4° F). She's been receiving Tylenol but this cannot be a long term solution due to the potential for liver damage.

4. Melissa was able to respond to Michael this morning and Marlene this evening. Both of her arms appear to show movement.

5. Both of her arms are pulled to her chest at times and no one knows what this means. Melissa exhibited this position prior to her seizures last week. Let's pray that this does not indicate further complications.

6. Brain drain still reddish. Keep praying for yellow fluid which will indicate normalcy.

7. Marlene is back to work on a 20 hour/week basis. Pray for her endurance as well as Michael's.


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