Wednesday, February 26, 2014

On Sunday, February 23, 2014, at night time, Melissa was rushed into the emergency hospital. She was brushing her teeth earlier, as she was finished, she dropped something. She bent down to pick something up, and she lost her balance, and she fell to the floor. As Melissa fell down, she hit her right eye area on the table, and she started bleeding constantly. In the HOAG emergency room, at around 9:30p.m., as the clock was ticking, back and forth, back and forth, the doctors finally finished her operate, at around 1a.m. The doctors said there was a lot of stitches... lost count how many she has; but Melissa said, she was happy that she's alive... again. Pray that the recovery goes smoothly, and that the right eye area will be back to normal. Thank you for your concerned. God Bless YU! :) Melissa Yu (self) and Michael Yu, Marlene Yu, and Mildred Yu


Jana said...

Hope you feel better real soon, Melissa! So sorry about your accident! Blessings, Mr. B

Anonymous said...

Hi Melissa! =P

Jana said...

Hi Bobby! ...or Kai... or Wan...? ;)
hehehe :)
Please explain it to me... I don't get it... ;)
-Melissa Yuuuuu